Your donation is vital in empowering us to raise public awareness, push for life-changing policies, mobilise on-ground action and more! 

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  • Welcome pack
  • Monthly e-newsletter
  • Invitation to exclusive events
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Help protect our natural home

There is no Planet B

  1. The Deforestation Problem – Peatland and forest destruction are resulting in forest fires, loss of wildlife habitats and ecological damage that affects our health. When peatlands are cleared and drained to make way for plantations, such as oil palm and other monoculture farming, this carbon-rich peat becomes tinder dry and vulnerable to fires, creating more haze. In Malaysia and Indonesia, the places where wildfires burn most intensely mostly occur on peatland. 
  2. Haze Crisis – Clean air, free from haze, is a basic human right. And yet we have been facing haze almost yearly, made worse during dry seasons. We continue having to face both local and cross-border haze. The average outdoor air quality in Malaysia has consistently fallen below the air quality standard prescribed by the WHO.
  3. The Plastic Issue – We are championing the reduction of plastic production, ending single-use plastic, and transitioning to a reuse-based economy. Our vision is to create a world free of single-use plastic waste and the harm it brings to living things on the planet. 
  4. It has been found that Malaysia only has the capacity to recycle 16% of domestic + imported waste. As a result, very little domestic household plastics get recycled.
  1. The Forest Research Institute Malaysia reported that, during a haze episode, two varieties of hybrid rice showed 50% reduction in growth rate.
  2. Deforestation disrupts natural habitats, leading to closer contact between humans and wildlife. This increases the risk of zoonotic diseases, with 60% of emerging infectious diseases originating from animals.
  3. Forests play a crucial role in maintaining the water cycle. Their removal can lead to reduced water quality, and change rainfall patterns, which increases flooding and droughts, directly impacting human communities and our food security. 
  1. Exposing those who contribute to environmental destruction.
  2. Conducting science-based research.
  3. Taking direct action through creative, confrontational, and non-violent means.
  4. Pressuring governments and industries to recognize their responsibilities and have a more sustainable practice.
  5. Uniting community strength and advocating for stricter laws, eco-friendly policies and solutions.

Our independence is crucial to the effectiveness of our campaigns. We only accept donations from individuals and do not receive funding from governments, corporations, or political parties. 

Greenpeace relies on individual donations to maintain our independence. This means that we do not accept donations from any business, corporation, government or political party. Our work is fully powered by individual contributions and grants from private charitable foundations who share our values.

This ensures that we can fight solely for the benefit of the environment without being held to any group with vested interests that might try to influence us or threaten to withdraw funding.

This is what makes Greenpeace incorruptible and a true fighting force in the pursuit of a more green and peaceful world. 

Regular monthly donations are critical to our success. They help us create, plan and implement effective long-term and strategic campaigns against complex issues like climate change and against massive corporations and governments. They also reduce administrative costs, which means your donation goes further. 

Every year, Greenpeace publishes an Annual Report. Our annual report highlights updates from our campaigns and includes financial transparency reports. You can read the latest Annual Report here!

Hear from our current donors